Enter a world where past and future meet in one reality with the Paradox Rift Booster Box. This set from the Scarlet & Violet series brings a unique opportunity to discover Pokémon from different timelines that have special abilities and mechanics that can turn the tide of any game. The pack contains 36 booster packs, which will open up new dimensions of strategic possibilities for you and at the same time expand your collection.
Product description:
The Paradox Rift expansion is filled with fascinating Pokémon from ancient times and the distant future that wield unpredictable and powerful abilities. Legendary Pokemon like Iron Valiant EX and Roaring Moon EX bring their time-bending powers to the battlefield, adding a whole new dimension to your matches. New mechanics and combinations from this set will allow you to create revolutionary strategies that will surprise your opponents.
The set also includes a number of new Trainers and support cards that will strengthen your strategies and expand the tactical possibilities of your deck.
Package contents:
36x Paradox Rift booster packs Each booster contains 10 random cards which can include rare, holo and ultra rare EX Pokémon from the past and future.
What can you expect in each package?
10 cards – rare, holo and ultra rare cards including legendary Pokemon EX that span timelines.
Pokemon from the past and future that bring new game mechanics and unexpected combinations of abilities.
Trainers and support cards that optimize your strategy and improve your deck.
Why choose Paradox Rift Booster Box?
Pokémon EX like Iron Valiant EX and Roaring Moon EX, which have unpredictable and powerful abilities, can fundamentally change the course of the game.
High chance to get rare and limited cards that can increase your play value and collectible value.
New mechanics and time-linked strategies that bring a whole new dimension of game possibilities.
Investment value for collectors
The Paradox Rift Booster Box is not only exciting to play, but also a great investment for collectors. Pokemon EX from the past and future are highly sought after for their unique abilities and aesthetic designs. Iron Valiant EX and Roaring Moon EX are among the Pokemon whose rare and holographic versions can greatly increase in value over time. This booster box is a great opportunity for collectors to acquire cards with high collectible value potential that will continue to be in demand in the future.
For coaches of all levels
Whether you're a new player or a seasoned trainer, Paradox Rift brings cards that will enhance your deck and allow you to take advantage of new mechanics and combos. This booster box will open the door to new tactics that will bring excitement to every match.
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